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Exercise 1

Create a private quote with items in R&R, Repair, paint and parts. Fill in the customer and vehicle details. Let the quote have 10 pictures added to the quote and 5 in the container. Also invoice the quote and email the quote to the customer. Let the customer’s email address be your email address.


1. Open the quote module. On the top left corner of the quote module, you will have a new quote option, please click on it.

2. Fill in the Quote Details, Insurance Details, Customer Details and Vehicle Details.
3.Click on the Save button on the top left. Up on confirming, you will be able to add items to the quote.

4. Click on items and add items to the quote.
5.Click on the Pictures tab on the top ribbon, and click on load option from the bottom right corner to load pictures to the quote from the computer.

6.To add pictures to the container, from the drop down next to the ‘Load’ button select the Container option and add by clicking on load.

7. To invoice the quote, click on the Invoice option and select Customer invoice to generate the invoice. Select the quote that will list there and click on Generate.

8.Click on the Save button in the Credit Invoice window.